miércoles, 13 de septiembre de 2017

My Pets and their importance in my life

Well hello again! shall we start? ok, so about my pets I shall say that I have two of them, they both are dogs but just one of them lives with me, the other stays in my grandfather's house, they are a Salchicha, the youngest one and the oldest (also the bigger) its a Labrador, they names are Apolo and Hercules respectively. I think I should clarify that the dogs are my favorite type of pet, but I love all the animals (except spiders). The reason why I love dogs it's because they always will love you and protect you, they are the best partners for a life and will follow you werever u go. They just need water, food and love for being happy. Also they eyes, when you look them it's like all that is inside is love and innocence.

Something that I dont like about dogs it's that when they are young (like Apolo) just bite everything, they want to play everytime and they go to the bathroom anywhere, it's kinda annoying xd.
I think that the importance of the pets (or company animals) in the society it's very high cause people who works on the street (or here in JGM) have their dogs where them work, they care and love them, because the dogs also take care of them and bring they company. A pet is an important member on a family, actually it's like a one child or brother more.

(Apolo pic cus he's cute)

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